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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 16 Jun

There are many banquets, feast and parties we will be invited to during our life here on earth. It might be a wedding banquet. It might be a Christmas feast. It might be a 21st Birthday party. They are all designed to celebrate something.

You receive an invitation in the mail, or by an email, and you sent back your acceptance of the invite. There is no thought in your mind of saying no to the invite.

It does surprise us then that when Jesus sends out invites to the Banquet of eternity, that His own people knock back the invites. Why would you knock such invites?

You don't have enough time to attend? You do not have sufficient funds to purchase an appropriate gift? Or, you simply do not like the host and will not be attending. Whatever the reason, it better be a good one because God will not stand for any nonsense.

Have you accepted God's invitation to join Him in His marvellous house?