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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 18 Jun

Peter describes himself as a servant and apostle of Jesus. Peter has moved from a fisherman to a servant of Jesus. A few years earlier Peter had scoffed at the idea of who Jesus was. It was an amazing change from a rugged fisherman to being a follower of Jesus. 

We know something of what Peter valued through his letters. In Peter’s second letter knowledge plays a big part in his following of Jesus. We are to keep growing in our knowledge of Jesus. Such knowledge is important. A lack of knowledge, or to ignore the importance of knowledge will see us on a dangerous track to perishing. We will perish eternally. 

Peter makes it quite plain that all we need comes from knowing Christ. Let us keep growing in our knowledge of Christ. We do not want to be caught out with a lack of knowledge. 

How can we gain knowledge? We take time to read the Word. We take time to hear the Word preached. We take time to meet one on one to pray and discuss the Word. We take time to gather with other Christians to chew over God’s Word. 

What steps will we take in the coming week to know more about Jesus?