Rev. Peter Greiner
Sun 25 Sep
One of Job’s long held desires is to have an audience with God. We know from previous chapters that even if Job was slain in the process, his desire was to meet up with God. His reason for desiring such a meeting was to find out the reasons for the tragedies that had over taken his life.
As we near the end of the account of Job’s life, such a meeting was not going according to Job’s plans. Instead of asking God what was going on, God fires a series of questions at Job.
Were you there Job when I created the heavens and the earth? Were you there when I put it all into place? Were you there to observe the animals? Were you there to deal with the power of the behemoth and the leviathan? Question after question is given to Job, and Job begins to realize that when it comes to the world and the ways of God, Job knows very little.
Who then is Job to question God when he knows so little. Like Job, we may question God, but how much do we really know of God’s ways? Who are we to tell God as to how He should run His kingdom?