Rev. Peter Greiner
Sun 2 Oct
We have been looking at the Book of Job for several weeks. It started with Satan going before God and asking for the hedge of protection that currently surrounds Job to be removed. Satan attacks Job causing him immense suffering. The Book of Job comes with questions. Why suffering? Why does God even allow suffering? What is the cause of suffering? While the question of suffering is raised in the Book there will be times in our lives when there will be no obvious reason for why suffering. Job is a case in point. From Job’s perspective there is no plausible reason that he can see as to why he is facing tragedy. He is not privy to the meetings taking place with God. Thousands of years later people are still asking questions on suffering. Have we committed a sin which brings about suffering? Is suffering part of a result of a loving heavenly Father’s discipline? For some we may never be given a reason for why we are experiencing suffering. As much as we might want answers as Job did, The answers we seek are wrapped up in the wisdom of God. Praise Him.