Rev. Peter Greiner
Sun 2 Apr
Palm Sunday is a day in the Christian calendar when the church sets aside a day to remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. A day when people are reminded that the citizens of Jerusalem came out to welcome Jesus into the city. A welcome that would be short-lived.
On that day some saw Jesus as their king. Others as their Saviour. Some were simply wanting to find out more about Jesus. Others in that Palm Sunday crowd wanted to see Jesus dead or at the very least locked up.
If you could picture yourself in that crowd where would you be? It was one of the few occasions where Jesus openly declared who He was – the King they were looking for. They shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.”
Indeed, the one who comes in the name of the Lord is a blessing as they bring the Good News of Jesus who came to save a people for Himself. Palm Sunday reminds us that our Saviour has come. We can shout it out as they did on that first Palm Sunday!