Rev. Peter Greiner
Sun 4 Sep
Today many in our community and nation celebrate Father’s Day. A day set aside to honour father’s and the work they do. When you think of this day what comes to mind for you? A father who provided and protected his family. A father who sought to raise his children in the fear and wisdom of God. A father who taught his children to love Jesus. A father who honoured the mother of their children.
This day is also tinged with sadness. During the year gone by, families have lost a father as God has called them into eternity. Sadly, we also need to acknowledge that some fathers are not worthy of the honour. What are you doing with your father today?
This morning we look at Zophar, the third of Job’s friends. He attempts to comfort Job. He starts by telling Job that God is lenient with him because his sins are not being punished as they deserve. Zophar was not all that comforting. Essentially saying that Job should be punished all the more instead of getting off lightly as Job has. However, we discover in these verses that God is gracious. Although we are sinners we have a great God who is gracious?